Yes, I am trying to lose some extra pounds I put while my parents were visiting me here in Seattle. Actually it’s been kind of hard … I’ve been trying for more than a month and nothing happened – maybe it is my thirties :P. Now I am reducing the carbs, let’s see if it’s gonna work.
I took this Breadless Breakfast Panini Recipe idea from the Dukan Diet (referred by a friend who lost lots of pounds doing this program). It is pretty good and a great option for those who love eating bread in the breakfast, but want to avoid it for a while.
It is rich in protein, completely fat-free and also contains oat bran, which is super healthy. Oat bran is exceptionally high in fibers, effective at lowering cholesterol and in has weight loss properties – oat bran blocks the absorption of calories from the intestine. Great, isn’t it?
But there is more …. it is super easy to prepare! In 5 minutes you prepare what I call the “bread-not-bread” and the panini itself.
Breadless Panini Recipe – Ingredients
For the “bread-not-bread”
2 tbsp Oat Bran
2 egg whites
1 tbsp fat-free plain greek yogurt
1 tbsp fat-free dry milk
1/4 Tsp Baking Powder
For the filling
Fat-free ham slices (to taste)
Fat-free cottage cheese (to taste)
Breadless Panini Recipe – How to prepare
In a mug beat the egg whites with a fork. Add yogurt, dry milk and oat bran and mix until truly combined. Add the baking powder and whisk gently.
Pour the mixture in a squared dish (about 10″) and cook it in the microwave for 3min30sec. Don’t worry, it’s gonna rise while it cooks, and then it is gonna fall a little bit.
When ready, cut it lengthwise and fill it with the ingredients you want. I had it in my breakfast, so I added only fat-free cottage cheese and fat-free ham.
Put it in a sandwich grill and grill it until golden brown. Ta-dah! It is ready :D
I think it is also a good dinner option when you are not in a cooking mood. You can add chicken or beef, mozzarella…. vegetables, etc. and prepare an amazing bread-not-bread panini!